Thank you for considering sponsorship of MBPA's Surfin’ USA event. Your business is a valuable part of Malvern and we want to help amplify your business to the community. The upcoming Surfin’ USA event is an opportunity for us to do this for your business. Every year, this festival is organized and produced through a grassroots effort of local business owners, community residents and the Borough. It truly does take a village to pull this off! We want you in our village! Above are a variety of sponsorship opportunities and the various benefits that come with each level.

We hope you’ll consider joining us to ensure our annual spring festival continues this year. Each year, we have attracted hundreds to this all-day festival and with events back in full swing, we expect this year to be our biggest turnout in years. It really is a great opportunity to showcase your business. Will you consider helping?

If interested, please fill out this google form to sponsor Surfin' USA by Tuesday, April 11th. Payment remittance information is enclosed.